How do you build up crypto assets automatically for free?
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and never miss out on gaining SG again!
The SocialGood App is now offering 100% Crypto Back (crypto cashback rewards) for all eligible purchases at NordVPN, an internationally acclaimed VPN service provider that is known for their top-notch customer service and internet privacy protection. These 100% rewards are only available to SocialGood Members who have activated their membership by buying 200 SG in the app.
Check the SocialGood App for the latest offers from other popular online shopping platforms and service providers in your region.
To activate your Membership, you will first need to purchase 200 SG through the SocialGood App and hold it in your connected wallet. Don’t worry, you will earn a staking bonus of up to 15% APY on that 200 SG as well.
Please note that only the SG that you have newly purchased with the Coinbase Commerce feature in the SocialGood App will be counted as your 200 SG for Membership Activation.
When you purchase the 200 SG in the app, you can select which network to make the transfer on. The default network is Polygon (MATIC). With the Polygon chain, your gas fees will be about 1/100 of the fees on the Ethereum chain.
Go ahead, open up the SocialGood App, and follow the directions to activate your Membership now.
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