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Starting from May 27, 2024, users will be responsible for Verification Fee when withdrawal. A fee of $30 will be charged only for the initial KYC process. Once you have completed KYC, there will be no additional Verification Fee in the future.
Verification Fee is a charge for conducting the KYC process. However, please note that this fee does not guarantee the completion of the KYC process. The KYC process is performed by an external eKYC service provider, and the final assessment is not determined by us.
If a user is banned as a result of the KYC process, this decision is based on the database and algorithms of the external eKYC service provider. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide specific reasons for such outcomes.
Furthermore, Network Fee in a first time withdrawal (via Polygon only) and Handling Fee up to 3 times will remain at $0.
Thank you for consistently using the SocialGood App.
Starting from May 27, 2024, users will be responsible for Verification Fee when withdrawal. A fee of $30 will be charged only for the initial KYC process. Once you have completed KYC, there will be no additional Verification Fee in the future.
Verification Fee is a charge for conducting the KYC process. However, please note that this fee does not guarantee the completion of the KYC process. The KYC process is performed by an external eKYC service provider, and the final assessment is not determined by us. If there are any issues with the submitted documents, you will need to undergo the KYC process again, which will require a Verification Fee payment again. If a user is banned as a result of the KYC process, this decision is based on the database and algorithms of the external eKYC service provider. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide specific reasons for such outcomes.
Furthermore, Network Fee in a first time withdrawal (via Polygon only) and Handling Fee will remain at $0 as always.
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