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Thank you for continuing to support the SocialGood project.
We are pleased to announce the start of an official SG Buyback Program, utilizing up to 50% of SocialGood, Inc.’s revenue, as part of our continued work to stabilize the SocialGood (SG) token in order to secure the ecosystem and support all of the active members of the SocialGood community.
Our revenue is primarily based on advertising fees from our partnered retailers and service access fees, including withdrawal fees and SG token sales. We plan to use up to 50% of this revenue to purchase the SG token on various exchanges at least once per month.
The more that users shop at partnered sites via the SocialGood App, the more our ad revenue will increase, allowing for larger and more frequent buybacks.
We appreciate your continued involvement in the SocialGood Ecosystem and we look forward to continuing to give back to the growing SocialGood community worldwide.
*The details of the SG Buyback Program may be altered at the project’s discretion.
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