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and never miss out on gaining SG again!
🎄✨ This holiday season, spend joyful moments with friends and family. Let’s SPIN together and see who gets the luckiest!
📈 Imagine winning $1,000 worth of SG, which has increased 10x in just 7 months. And what’s better? You can share the excitement with your friends! Android users can also enjoy SPIN through the web version!
🎁 Special Holiday Offer:
Invite your friends, and when each invited friend completes 30 SPIN purchases after this announcement, you’ll earn a $80 withdrawal allowance in Regular Withdrawal!
Share SPIN with your friends and family this holiday season and watch the competition heat up over who earns the most rewards!
🎁 Here’s an example:
👫 Invite 5 friends. You’ll secure $400 in withdrawal limits. Your friends, meanwhile, will enjoy at least 30 SPINs of fun.
Now imagine—one of them wins $1,000! Don’t you think the chances are high? And what if that $1,000 grows to 10x its value? 🚀
And there’s more: Someone could even win $10,000! 🏆
If that multiplies in value, it could help you achieve FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early)!
🎅🎁 Enjoy the holidays with your loved ones, have fun playing SPIN, and good luck! 🍀
SocialGood, Inc. is a Japanese Web3 startup. We have partnerships with over 20,000 leading online stores worldwide, including Walmart and eBay, etc. We have raised over 2 billion yen in funding from VC and listed companies. We are supported by JETRO, an agency of the Japanese government.
Through SocialGood App (iOS, Android and Chrome Extension), we give our users money every day, we help our users build assets. By doing so, we hope to create a better society. That is why we chose the brand name SocialGood.
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